Survivor01’s Weblog

June 24, 2010

Women in Poker and the WiPHoF

Filed under: Uncategorized — survivor01 @ 5:11 pm

Women in Poker and the WiPHoF

Now that some of the controversey has died down regarding the WSOP ladies event, I’ll add my two cents.  This was only my second or third time playing the ladies event, so I maybe do not have a real stake in an opinion of what happened last week.  I seldom play ladies events, usually because I am looking for a higher buy-in event but basically because I typically play better in open events.  I have always supported women’s events, social groups and special organizations that further ladies poker, but that doesn’t limit me to women’s only poker.  However, I do endorse the belief that women’s events should be presented and preserved as just that, women only.

While sitting and listening to the opening comments of the 2010 WSOP Ladies event, I was surprised that nothing was mentioned about the obvious men situated around the room at various tables.  About 15 minutes into play, Jack Effel, tournament director, did make the announcement of regret that the WSOP was unable to deter several men from playing in the ladies event.  While I felt Mr. Effels apology was sincere, I felt the history and integrity of the event was lost forever this year.  In times past since 1977 when the first ladies event was held, there hasn’t been a man allowed to play in this event forever preserving the integrity of the WSOP.  But recent challenges in discrimination laws have sent ripples through out many ladies events around the country resulting in casino’s having to allow men to play.  The WSOP is no different.  They simply cannot go against the law in this situation.  BUT WAIT!!  Is there a solution??  You bet there is!  Every casino has the right to refuse service to any patron, and that includes poker players.  If the men are determined to enter and play a ladies event, event organizers have the right to refuse entry or service of any gambling game in the casino to any player!  A simple refusal of entry to the remaining events at this year’s WSOP would send any poker god fearing player to the curb and give them time to reflect about their decision to play a woman’s event and if it was REALLY worth all this fallout.  One of my favorite phrases is, “There is no crime if there is no time”.  So let’s hope the administrators at the WSOP give this situation their full attention and come up with a fair solution to keep the history and integrity of the Ladies event intact.


Just in case someone doesn’t recognize this abbreviation, I am referring to the Women In Poker Hall of Fame.  It is once again time to induct two very deserving ladies into an organization that preserves the stance of women in poker.

The ladies presented before the general membership and reining committee are:  Kathy Liebert, JJ Liu, Betty Carey, Jennifer Harman-Traniello, Phyllis Caro, Nani Dollison and Annie Duke.  I believe each of the ladies is very deserving to be considered for this honor with the exception of one, Annie Duke.  I really don’t think I need to go into any explanation for my negative opinion on this person simply because of the very public admonishment Annie herself has taken to the public against women’s poker.  I realize many times that these kinds of nominations become popularity contests and while many women do not agree with Annie’s views on women’s poker, she is a popular brand in the poker industry, and will accumulate some votes.  I would hate to think I might miss the induction ceremonies this year, but that will happen for me should Annie Duke be inducted.

With all considerations I would like to encourage all active ladies in poker and the general public to cast their votes for the most deserving two women on the list.  Who are those two?  That is for each of you to decide!

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